A Pack of Cards
Life is like a pack of cards
Fifty two in all
Milestones or tribulations
We will never know
Till the last drawn breath
An Ace or a joker
A winner or joke
Ironic it seems that
A single card can decide
The final epilogue of one’s life
Whether you laugh or laughed at
Every card has a part to play
In a eyes of a mortal man
Everyone aims for THE picture
A king, a queen or a jack
Never a three, four or five
Unless the rules are changed
When invention of humanity are distorted
By some perverse demented soul
Who seeks sanity by changing what he cannot change
Who is the real insane one? The sane or those deemed insane
Who set the rules? Who really rules?
Does the king rule its people or the people rule the king?
Every facet of life represented by a card
A spade, heart, diamond or club
Two colors there are: Red and black.
Red, a color of passion, love and perhaps even lust
Black, a manifestation of darkness and vile that lurks
Turn the mirror around and what really happens?
Red becomes anger, hatred and pain
Black serene as can be, emptiness can be a wonderful thing
Nine times out of ten
Losers at a gambling table
Could this be what life really juxtaposes?
Should I be meek and never take chances
Or should I take the first step forward?
Never ventured nothing gained
You cannot climb a smooth mountain
A mark of success is by the things that matter to you most – Gary Lee
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
A title coined by one of the world's greatest motivational coach Anthony Robbins. Everyone of us has a hero within us, a giant that lays in its slumber just like in Greek Methology where the battles of the Gods and the Giants took place. All it took was a catalyst of some sort to enrage the sleeping giant. In my rest and slumber, I came across many revelations perchance a journey to become more aware of myself. My name is ME but I am not my NAME. Having been on this earth for the past so many years, how well do we really know ourselves. When SHIT happens in our lives, we blame everything around us. We curse the seven heavens and those who left us in this plight. But when we are high and mighty, do we ever remember to be grateful to those who got us there? I too am a victim of circumstances. Along the way, I learnt that the past indeed does not equal to the future.
It is a simple equation actually. You cannot deny the existence of your past because it is what made you who you are. Your past inevitably decided your present but it does nothing for your future. What you do NOW decides what happens in the future. Hence your past does not equal to the future. But mathematically speaking, if A=B and B=C; then shouldn't A=C? Sighs, Life is just so complicated.
Recently, I had a philosophical thought. Why call a chair a chair since it has four legs and holds things? Should it not be called a table instead? And why is a table a table since it has four legs and we can sit on them? It should be called a chair. Who ever decided it should be called a chair or table? Can it not be called a squigglepop or leggyfour? Seems crazy indeed but we sometimes gain inspiration from insanity.
I have woken up or at least I think so, ready to face future endeavors and challenges to come. As they say, you cannot climb a smooth mountain. Without adversity in life, one can never sharpen one's blade and allow the shine to come through. I found the sparkle in the gem of my life through the dirt and crevices. Have you found yours?
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