A Hero’s Journey
A peasant begins
As a vagrant bare to the core
Two naked feet caresses his motherland
Traversing terrains highs and lows
No purpose nor hope
Nothing to anticipate
Reminance about the past he does
The hey days and the many regrets
Praying and hoping for a day
He can call a place his abyess, a home.
Till a day comes
He hears a call
A shout a scream or even a whisper
A choice he must make
To answer or a turn away
For if he were to turn a blind eye,
He remains in innocence forever always
Till the next time the call appears
A spark of inspiration
A glimmer of hope
A lion’s courage
He answers the call
Forsaking his shell of naiveness
A journey begins for this wide eyed vagrant
A battle, a quest or even an adventure
Of true love, faith or even life itself.
Demons spring forth from tinest of crannies
Worry, self-doubt and criticisms are some of their names
Conquer them a little voice said
Or be consumed by them
Danger lurks everywhere
Death’s sickle ready to strike
Unsuspecting preys
Aspiring heros to be
Vile creatures amidst the grounds
Every bush, every stone and tree
Terrorize its victims and ravage their souls constantly
What of our brave hero?
Is he dead or is he at his last breath?
Even the most chirvolus of Man must stumble and fall.
Who can help our warrior now?
A threshold of pain and adversities often leads to
A point of surrender
A submission of faith
A truth that one must face
Guardians appear at break of day
To save and to guide
Our main lead of this journey
Past his burdens and adversities
Learnings everywhere
Even from the banes
Worry turns to clarity
Self- doubt turns to affirmations
Hatred turns to love
Demons become Guardians
Banes to Boon
The Hero rises again
Reborn, renewed
Eager to fight another day
He tussles, wrestles and battles his way
Till a day comes
When a breakthrough appears
One who toils but never looks for rewards
Has finally gotten his just deserts
An aim, a goal or even his purpose
Is placed upon his open hands
A Warrior victorous
His game across his shoulders
Celebrations abound
Returning to his domicile a proud confident Man
A hero is born someone says
Of courage, of truth, of humility and of true faith
To know when to fight
To know when to let go
Is a mark of a true great one
Who grows and learns
Many new learnings along the path
Learn new things
Relearn old ones
Valuable things that money can never replaced
Kept in a special place where all special things are kept
That one day the call will come again
For our hero to answer a new quest.
All men should striveto learn before they diewhat they are running from, and to, and why.~James Thurber
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
What if?
A question that puzzles the mind and evokes the soul. Some question material things while others question life itself. How deep do you go to find the right answers you need to know? Most people feel while some people see. SENSE is the word you should be looking for. Sense the answer for feeling comes only from the heart. SENSE incorporates every single cell that lives in the hollow casket of yours. Remember a time when you met someone for the 1st time, you knew somehow if you had good or bad vibes, it was not a feeling but a SENSE. Sensing helps to connect you to yourself. The longest journey that one will ever have to make is between your head to your heart. Sensing gives the courage to face our inner truth. Sometimes we know what we have to do to get to somewhere and it is the lack of courage that gets us nowhere.
I recently heard this song below. Meaningful it is which relates to one of the “what if” in life. Maybe after reading the lyrics, you too may begin to find answers on your own.
The Emancipation of Mimi (2005)
(Ooh, ooh, sweet love, yeah)
I didn't mean it
When I said I didn't love you, soI should have held on tight
I never shoulda let you go
I didn't know nothingI was stupid,
I was foolishI was lying to myself
I could not fathom that
I would everBe without your love
Never imagined I'd beSitting here beside myself
Cause I didn't know you
Cause I didn't know me
But I thought I knew everything
I never felt The feeling that I'm feeling
Now that I don't hear your voice
Or have your touch and kiss your lips
Cause I don't have a choice
Oh, what I wouldn't give
To have you lying by my side
Right here, cause baby(We belong together)
When you left I lost a part of me
It's still so hard to believe
Come back baby, please
Cause we belong together
Who else am I gon' lean on
When times get rough
Who's gonna talk to me on the phone
Till the sun comes up
Who's gonna take your place
There ain't nobody better
Oh, baby baby, we belong together
I can't sleep at night
When you are on my mind
Bobby Womack's on the radio
Saying to me"If you think you're lonely now"
Wait a minute
This is too deep (too deep)
I gotta change the station
So I turn the dial
Trying to catch a break
And then I hear Babyface"I only think of you"
And it's breaking my heart
I'm trying to keep it together
But I'm falling apart I'm feeling all out of my element
I'm throwing things, crying
Trying to figure out
Where the hell I went wrong
The pain reflected in this song
It ain't even half of whatI'm feeling inside
I need you
Need you back in my life, baby
When you left I lost a part of me
It's still so hard to believe
Come back baby, please
Cause we belong together Who else am I gon' lean on
When times get rough
Who's gonna talk to me on the phone
Till the sun comes up
Who's gonna take your place
There ain't nobody better
Oh, baby baby, we belong together, baby
When you left I lost a part of me
It's still so hard to believe
Come back baby, please
Cause we belong together
Who am I gonna lean on
When times get rough
Who's gonna talk to me
Till the sun comes up
Who's gonna take your place
There ain't nobody better
Oh baby, baby
We belong together
Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional. ~M. Kathleen Casey
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1:17 AM