Friends = Food
Friends are just like food
Some help us, some harm us.
Some inspire us to grow day by day,
Some eat into the existence of our very soul
In a way or manner, we choose what we eat
Just like the way we choose our friends
Home cooked food
Junk Food
Outside Food
Just some of the kind of friends that we meet
Have you chosen what kind of food you eating today?
Home Cooked Food
These are friends who nurture us day by day, helping us to grow in strength and character. A mixture of meat and vegetables, proteins, carbohydrates and vitamins in between, these friends do their best to help us succeed. As we become older in life, home cooked food becomes a rarity, so savor it when you do get a chance to eat. Perhaps this is what true friends are because they make our lives complete and fulfilled. It may be simple and bland but who can ever understand the joy of simplicity? It is not the taste of the food that matters but who and how it was prepared that matters more.
Junk Food
These are friends that are there for a quick pick me up. When we are sad and down, when we are in need for someone to be there for us, they are those whom we find nearest to us and we consider them friends because of our innate need to feel loved and accepted by others. These are the kind of people who participate in frivolous things whose ideas of fun include inputting poison into one’s own body. What kind of a sick perverse concept is it to have alcohol, tar and drugs pumped up one’s veins as an idea of enjoyment. Sometimes in our hearts, our morality tells us it is wrong to waste the time away or to “kill” ourselves. Companionship is what we look for in these people and the more we eat them, the sicker we become. We become fat and obese and severely unhealthy as time passes by. If nothing is done to stop this diet of ours, such friends may eventually lead us to our “death”. We begin to lose the meaning of life and we begin to ask ourselves this question: Was the initial thrill and excitement that was promised all worth our lives?
We have them when we feel like it, when we crave for a certain feeling or taste. We eat them bit by bit and sometimes, we eat them like there is no tomorrow. They are cheaper than junk food and more readily available, 7 Eleven, supermarkets or the nearby grocery shop. Everywhere you go you can find it. There are also more varieties to choose from and yet their origins unknown. No one really knows how they were created or what their ingredients are composed of. They work the same way as junk food except that the effects are slower. Ways of “dying” are more unique and interesting. Would you rather die quickly with excruciating pain or a slow painful death?
These are what help us to recover when we are sick, when we have a headache, a tummy ache, a sore throat or a heart burn. We look to medication to give us that relief from all the pain and suffering that our choices have caused us. Over time such intense use of medication can lead to an addiction where we become too dependent on them for us to feel good. It becomes really sad when this medication indicates how much we love ourselves.
Outside food
These are the kind of friends that appear to be like home cooked food, nurturing, caring and kind, always willing to lend a helping hand etc. However behind these curtains of deception lies a treacherous truth that may shock us all. The oil, MSG and fats slowly eat into us and cause us to fall without us even knowing about it. It becomes a convenient substitute for people who we consider our true friends. This is the kind of food that appears most commonly in our lives. Some claim they have less oil, more vegetables and are the healthier choice, how do we really know what lies on this plate?
Sometimes in life, we make lousy choices. We get friends who backstab us in the end, some who kick up a big fuss over a little disagreement, some who become emotionally unstable at the slightest moment. Yet, there are a small handful of these friends who make all the search worthwhile.
Hope is for the hopeless- Sometimes when you feel hopeless, hope is all that you got.
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
As we traverse through life day by day, many emotions we carry on our backs. Happiness, saddness, love and hate.
Pain and pleasure, fear and courage.
Guilt and regret, missed opportunities.
A whirlwind of mixed emotions, it is no wonder why its complicated to be a human being.
Everyone strives to be perfect but by being perfect in an imperfect world, isn't that person imperfect too?
As we grow older and older, we add on more and more questions to our "What if" list. More regrets that we have, more missed opportunities in life and the guilt meter just keeps growing and growing.
Here is a list of What if questions that we might have come across in our lives:
What if
1. I could have the chance to turn back time
2. I could make things right again
3. I could be prettier/ more handsome
4. I was born in a different family
5. I could have treasured him/her when he/she was around
6. I could have plucked up the courage to make her mine
7. I never broke up with him/her, we would still be happy
8. I had worked harder when I was young
9. I never that stupid mistake that costed me my life
10. I had never fallen in love with him/her
11. I could choose my destiny all over again
12.I could be smarter than others
13. I could bring him/her back to life
14. I could say the things I wished I had the courage to say
15. I could have done the things that I promised
16. I could have taken back all the things that I said before
17. I could lead a different life
18. I could have treated her/him better so that the relationship would last
19. I was dead right now
20. I could never feel or need love in my life, I would not be in so much pain
These are just some "What if" questions that pass us by in different stages of our lives. Would it be better to reminence about the past and wish we could have done better or would it be better to forgive and forget?
Someone once told me that we never forgive and forget, rather we should forgive and learn, learn the many lessons about how much those missed opportunities cost us.
Have you thought about your "What if" list yet? I guess it only makes us more human.
Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says I'll try again tomorrow. ~Mary Anne Radmacher
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12:28 PM
Love or Lust
Which one is it?
Which brings euphoria, which brings tears?
Which brings joy, which brings pain?
Which is real, which is make-believed?
Which is true, which is false?
So many questions, so many doubts,
no wonder love is a complicated thing.
Love begins with a physical attraction, there is no doubt about it. From the time we set eyes on the person, something tells us there must be something wonderful about this person worth pursuing. Is this lust or love? Will there come a time when lust transcend to love? How do we know that?
There are so many categories of love:
How do we know which group we fall under? Must lust and love co-exist? Can love exist without any physical attraction?
All men should striveto learn before they diewhat they are running from, and to, and why.~James Thurber
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4:11 AM
Monday, September 19, 2005
Everyone wants it,
Everyone craves for it.
Unfortunately, not everyone finds it.
Those that find it,
Rarely get a chance to keep it.
What is happiness really? How do we even know when we have achieved happiness in our lives? Different people have different ways to keep themselves happy. Some like to use external sources to satisfy this addiction of theirs: Television programs, computer games, shopping, chatting, eating and even sleeping for long hours. As I look around me and observe the people who walked cross my path, I realized that this "happiness" seldom last long. Could this be nothing more than delusion?
Isn't it a wonder too why some turn to alcohol, durgs and smoking to make themselves happy? How can consuming something so toxic be a way of true happiness? If this is the only way, then some would rather keep themselves well and alive than simply to waste their lives away for that puff of happiness.
To me, happiness must come from within. Some can find happiness by doing nothing at all. Some do things that seem mundane to others yet to them it brings them a sense of euphoria and ultimate pleasure. For example, a couple goes for a picnic along the beach. To many, it could be a waste of time and something rather frivalous. Yet, these two people whose paths have met perhaps by fate or destiny are sharing a moment that people will never be able to understand or appreciate. Happiness cannot be explained, defined or quantified. It is simply a feeling deep from within that when you feel it, you know!
Here is some food for thought: Have you found your happiness? How do you know it is there?
"It is not that people do not know what to think but rather people cannot stop thinking" - the book THE POWER OF NOW
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12:01 PM
Sunday, September 18, 2005
They are some in this world that believe in love at 1st sight, a profound ideology that some swear by. The question beckons, how does one know one is in love? Does the heart beat faster or does one start to sutter upon the sight of someone they like? IS there a difference between love and infatuation? When does one cross the line of a crush into REAL love? What is love anyway?
Love perhaps exists in this world as a contradiction. One in which Man can never really begin to quantify or define.
Love brings the BEST out of Man yet it brings the worst too!
Love make us happy with joy yet it can also brings tears.
Love is about union of two souls fated to be together yet it is about separation of different hearts.
Love heals a lonely heart and yet it can hurt a person forlorn.
Love is about possession and yet love is about what once was.
Love is about enternity and yet love needs only to last awhile.
Love is about sacrifice and yet love is also about being selfish.
Some claim love to be a wonderful thing and yet others say it is the ugliest thing ever created
Some embrace it and yet some shun from it.
WHAT IS LOVE REALLY ALL ABOUT? Have you experienced love yet? There are many questions about this word called LOVE and yet no one really has an answer to it. Maybe it is better to simply forget and abandon the rational reasoning that phliosophers have and dive into the feeling for ourselves what LOVE really is all about.
" It is better to love the unloved than not to be loved at all" - MidSummer's Night Dream
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10:36 PM
I have now offically joined the world of blogging, where people place their inner most thoughts online for the world to see. Some use it to reveal who they are. Others use it as a way to vent their every frustration, woe and sorrow. Whatever it is, it seems as though blogging is here to stay. Perhaps it is a way to keep people sane expressing one's self talk in a written format.
"It is not what you do not know that harms you but what you think you know but do not know that harms you more. What harms you the most is what you do not know that you know that you still don't know"
Posted by
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7:59 PM