Monday, March 12, 2007

A victim by circumstances or a victim by choice

As we plough through the days of life as wandering souls, plodding through the remains of what our ancestors left. Is it not sad that we as Man, live half our lives in books and the other chasing dreams that seem impossible to many yet we still believe that with a whimper and hope that someday we might or could become, living a realistic picture of our idealisic dream.

Perfect as what some might call. A perfect life made up of a perfect house, a perfect car, a perfect career, a perfect relationship and a perfect dream. Is it not ironic that should we live by such dreams in an imperfect world, we become imperfect through its very existence.

It is often easy to blame, complain and make excuses about how unhappy our life really is. Traffic jams, not enough money, rising cost of living, unreasonable people, backstabbing colleagues and the list goes on and on. It is so easy for us to push the blame to things out of our locus of control, that makes us feel better for a moment but when we awaken from our dream of blame, we get rudely awaken from our slumber of excuses.

Most never get to solve their problems and wind themselves out of misery because they choose to be in such a state. Human beings are such sadistic things, we like to watch movies that make us cry. We like to watch others in pain once in a while. Perhaps we too choose to feel sorry for ourselves when things don't go our way.

SO REALLY, are we a victim by circumstance or a victim by choice.


Anonymous said...


victim of both..

Anonymous said...

actually it really depends on how we view the problem.

Anonymous said...

True enough, we are always in search of dreams that may seem impossible. But don't you also realise that humans live on dreams? Quoted from you:'Dreams give us hope, and hope gives us tomorrow'. So is it not right to dream? Hmm....

Anonymous said...

i say both because i strongly believe that E+R=O.

munshan88 said...

update more often...!~

participant of IAG dec 06...

Anonymous said...

hey. i really like ur post.
keep it going!

Anonymous said...


what u say really makes sense. update more often! want to read more 'emo-sounding' stuff. hee.

participate of IAG march 07

Anonymous said...

It is the victim of both most of the time.. sometimes, it could be either circumstance or choice..
especially when people started to backstab and push the blame..

Anonymous said...

Do you agree that the universe always conspires to help the dreamer? Hmm... The mysteries of life. Okay, just a random thought. Oh well, see you tomorrow!

munshan88 said...

gary isn't replying right?

anyone here attending the quarterly meeting next month?