Monday, August 28, 2006

Playing Games with FATE

Fate plays a cruel hand
When you think you are winning, you are not
When you think you are almost at the end, you realized you went one full circle
Some want life to be a bed of roses
No adversity, no pain, no sadness, no tears
Where sunflowers grow and kids smile all day
Would it not be nice to be happy always?

If thou agrees and thou consents
Then why do we send the jovial kind
condemned to asylums for the loony lies
Because they are crazy to be gay all the time?
What is to be normal, to have an ordinary life?
Is it to be sad and happy all rolled into one?
Regret and disappointment ever so near
Distress and frustration a daily fair
and once a blue moon as a special treat
To think of death as a means to an end
Is that what normal really means?

It is so sad when one is to read
seventeen girl gets AIDS in bed
First and only time
Poor soul, beguiled by fallacies of true love
That by giving one receives
Perchance this be a lesson to all who pass
the temptation of lust and bodily fun
That one might resist or else succumb
To the dark musty cranny where unknown comes

Gambling is a game for fools
When you think you win, you lose nine times out of ten
Be smart be wise
Invest your time and life
To somewhere else where fate cannot divide
between you and what you deserve
In many years to come

1 comment:

Sir Stanford Raffles said...

heyy Gary.
i'm from Woodgrove sec fyi. (=
well, i realise that you're not gonna be posting up much and all but just wanted to say that your posts are very philosophical and inspiring. hahhahs.

well, just wanna thank you for everything. we are already missing you guys alot are reminded of all your actions and all that you all have taught every single time. lols. we have grown attached to you guys eventhough we only spent 3 days, which are not even the full days. but well, THANKS again. for everything.

take care and good luck. (=