Thursday, July 03, 2008

The Power of Humility

Work has been on for two whole months
Spreading the word and realigning lives
Cared and shared
Loved and cried
Learnt an important lesson of life
Humility is his name
Simplicity is his game
Somestimes the best things in life come in the smallest things

Fourteen year old boy with a mind of five
sprung forth in one day of my life
A day not too long and yet not short
enough to teach me the purpose of life

Simple things I shared with him
Kicking and focusing on the everyday things
May not seem much to the Average Joe
For him it was a challenge though
He threw a fit and broke into tears
Tested our patience till it worn thin

Times like this, I ask myself
"What must I do to make you learn?"
Remembered Anne with Helen,
How she taught a handicapped girl
To learn, love and experience life
I thought to myself, I could do the same
Love him, care for him and be like him
Then you can understand him!

Relevation came forth on that day because I was humble to learn from him!

Dedicated to Dooodoooyoooo & those who have made a little difference to his life